The LCM of 16 and 64 is 64. Since 16 is a factor of 64, 64 is automatically the LCM of the pair.
Yes, 2 is a factor of 64. The reason behind this is that 64 is divisible by 2. Numbers which go into 64 are its factors and 2 is one of the factors.
All numbers have factors. Some numbers have some of the same factors as other numbers. Multiples of numbers have all of the factors of numbers that are factors of them, plus some of their own. 32 is a multiple of 16 and will have all of its factors. 64 is a multiple of both 32 and 16 and will have all of their factors.
First off, a multiple is a number that can be divided by another number without a remainder. To find the multiples of a number you multiply that number by 1, 2, 3, and so on. The first six multiples of 16 are: 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, and 96 Hope that helps!
Since 64 is a multiple of 16, it is automatically the LCM.
The LCM of 16 and 64 is 64. Since 16 is a factor of 64, 64 is automatically the LCM of the pair.
The LCM is: 64
What is most common multiple of 16 8 64 32
There is no such number, but switch it around. 16 is a multiple of 8 and a factor of 64.
Since 64 is a multiple of 16, it is automatically the LCM.
The GCF is 16.
When it is a multiple of 16, such as 16, 32, 48, 64, etc.
64 is a multiple of 16, and 81 is a multiple of 27, so I'd say that 36 is the odd one out.