This doesn't work. The LCM of a pair of numbers has to be equal to or larger than the largest number of the pair. If one of the numbers is 60, the other is 120. 60 and 120 have a GCF of 60, not an LCM.
The GCF is the factor, the LCM is the other one.
In any number pair where one of the numbers is a multiple of the other, that number is the LCM.
Yes, if one of the numbers is a multiple of the other.
If that number is a multiple of the other one.
Yes. The LCM of 9 and 3 is 9.
This doesn't work. The LCM of a pair of numbers has to be equal to or larger than the largest number of the pair. If one of the numbers is 60, the other is 120. 60 and 120 have a GCF of 60, not an LCM.
It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question as written. The least common multiple (LCM) refers to a multiple that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question! Furthermore, except in the most degenerate cases , LCMs are composite numbers. There are, therefore, at least two pairs of numbers that are equal to the LCM. There is a chance the question was meant to be "What pair of numbers has an LCM of 6?" If that's the case, the answer would be 1 and 6 or 2 and 3.
The GCF is the factor, the LCM is the other one.
GCF - Greatest Common Factor (GCF is always smaller or equal to at least one of the numbers) LCM - Least Common Multiple (LCM is always greater or equal to at least one of the numbers)
1 and 180 are one possible pair.
It can be but it is not always true.
In any number pair where one of the numbers is a multiple of the other, that number is the LCM.
Yes, if one of the numbers is a factor of the other.
1 and 63 are one possible pair.
1 and 156 is one possible pair.