Yes. Texas is 268,581 sq mi (695,621 sq km) and France is 210,026 sq mi (543965 sq km).
it is smaller France is 674,843, and NSW is 809,444
A lot. Ontario CANADA is almost 400,000 km larger than France
No, France is bigger than England and has more people although the United Kingdom and France have about the same population, France is still bigger in land-mass than the UK...
Canada is 3,856,751 square miles large.The United States is 3,537,441 square miles. Texas is part of the United States. Therefore Texas is not larger than Canada. It is actually 268820 square miles large.
Texas is about 10 percent larger than France. The area of Texas is 268,820 square miles and of France is 247,367 square miles.
France is roughly the size of Texas, much smaller than the United States.
No.Texas, 695 621 km2France (mainland), 551 000 km2
In land mass, France is much bigger than Ireland.
No, Chicago, a city, is not bigger than Texas, the 2nd largest state.
vdnkvl;hjks;AHNJki believe Texas is bigger than California
I'm pretty sure nothing about, nor in, New Jersey is bigger than Texas. As far as geographic area, Texas is many, many times bigger.
Yes Texas is larger than France. The area of Texas is 268,581 square miles while France has an area of 260,558 square miles.
In geography its bigger. But there are more people in Texas than Alaska.
Yes, Mongolia is much bigger than France. It is about 603,909 square miles, while France is about 246,201 square miles.