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There is an interesting consequence to expressing the laws of nature in mathematical equations. Scientists that like working with equations take these basic math equations and "play" around with them. They put the equations in forms nobody thought of before and they are good at interpreting what they mean. Basically what they look for is the equations to tell them some phenomenon is possible. There's no gurantee the phenomenon really exists, but at least the laws of nature don't forbid it. Electromagnetic waves were predicted this way, from Maxwell's equations on electricity & magnetism, before they were found. Positrons (positive electrons) were predicted this way, from Quantum Mechanical equations, before they were found. Black holes were predicted this way ,from Einstein's Relativity theory, before they were found. Wormholes fall into this category. I believe John Wheeler first suggested the idea of a wormhole by playing with Einstein's relativity equations. So far wormholes have not been found, so they are just a mathematical theory that's possible, but so far no evidence.

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Q: Is a wormhole a mathematical theory?
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What is the duration of Through the Wormhole?

The duration of Through the Wormhole is 2640.0 seconds.

Is the Stargate one way COMMA could you go through an incoming wormhole?

No you cannot go through an incoming wormhole. In the Stargate series a wormhole is a one way ride.The one way nature of the Stargates helps to defend the gate from unwanted incursions. Stargates are also only capable of sustaining and artificial wormhole for 38 minutes. It's possible to keep it active for a longer period, but it would take immense amounts of energy.

What are the release dates for Through the Wormhole - 2010 Can We Eliminate Evil 3-7?

Through the Wormhole - 2010 Can We Eliminate Evil 3-7 was released on: USA: 18 July 2012

Why mathematical induction is a deductive process?

"Mathematical induction" is a misleading name. Ordinarily, "induction" means observing that something is true in all known examples and concluding that it is always true. A famous example is "all swans are white", which was believed true for a long time. Eventually black swans were discovered in Australia. Mathematical induction is quite different. The principle of mathematical induction says that: * if some statement S(n) about a number is true for the number 1, and * the conditional statement S(k) true implies S(k+1) true, for each k then S(n) is true for all n. (You can start with 0 instead of 1 if appropriate.) This principle is a theorem of set theory. It can be used in deduction like any other theorem. The principle of definition by mathematical induction (as in the definition of the factorial function) is also a theorem of set theory. Although it is true that mathematical induction is a theorem of set theory, it is more true in spirit to say that it is built into the foundations of mathematics as a fundamental deductive principle. In set theory the Axiom of Infinity essentially contains the principle of mathematical induction. My reference for set theory as a foundation for mathematics is the classic text "Naive Set Theory" by Paul Halmos. Warning: This is an advanced book, despite the title. Set theory at this level really only makes sense after several years of college/university mathematics study.

What are the release dates for Third String Kicker - 2011 Unstable Wormhole 1-8?

Third String Kicker - 2011 Unstable Wormhole 1-8 was released on: USA: 9 April 2012

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you can't see wormholes even with x-ray ttelescopes and were not even sure if they exist it is just a theory

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In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

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