It would seem obvious given the name, and burdock is plentiful enough, but one man's weed is another man's dinner. The Japanese use it in their cuisine. And it has become rather famous as the inspiration for Velcro. It's a herbaceous member of the daisy family, so we could call it a notorious wildflower, but that still won't save it from the lawn mower.
Burdock root is dhatura ki had in Hindi.
Marul-umattai (Tamil: மருளூமத்தை)
MILF weed
well ill smoke weed but no flower
Weed that was available to peopke close by in the 1800's.
The common name for the herb burdock in Tagalog is "gobo."
My goats love burdock. I also want to know if there are any beef cows that will eat burdock.
Jack Burdock was born in 1852-04.
Burdock is called "Gobo" in Hindi.
Burdock is called "गोबी" (gobi) in Hindi.
Burdock seeds are dispersed by animal fur. These burdock seeds have little hooks on them which allows them to "catch" onto the fur.
Arctium lappa, there are about 10 species of burdock plant.
does sainsbury's dandelion and burdock contaisn cffeine
Yes.The drink is made fromfermenteddandelions. It also contains fermented burdock roots. Hence the name, dandelion and burdock.