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Q: Is one always a common factor?
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Lowest common factor?

The lowest common factor is always one.

Why is there no Least Common factor if there is Greatest Common Factor?

The least common factor is always one (1), regardless of what the greatest common factor is.

How do you factor completely when there is no greatest common factor?

there always is one-every # has the factor 1 hint:)

What is the least common factor of 36 and 45?

The least common factor of two numbers is always one The greatest common factor of 36 and 45 is 9

Why do we not talk about a least common factor?

Because it's always one.

Is the is the least common factor of a set of numbers always equal to one of the numbers in the set?

The least common factor of any two or more positive integers is always 1.

What is the lowest common factor?

The lowest common factor is always 1.

What is the least common factor for 23 and 784?

The least common factor of any two or more positive integers is always one (1).

What is the least common factor 18 14?

The least common factor of any two or more positive integers is always one (1).

What is the least common factor for 100 and 288?

The least common factor of any two or more positive integers is always one (1).

What is the greatest common factor of 3 7 and 2?

One -- these numbers have no common factor except one, but that counts .It is the GCF. Learn this: if there does not seem to be any factor in common, then the answer is one. One is always a common factor and there are no others, it has to be the greatest.

What is the least common factor for?

It's not used since it's always one.