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Q: Is the depth of a rectangular prism the same as the height?
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Which shape would require more paint a rectangular pyramid or a rectangular prism?

If they have the same height, then the rectangular prism will require more paint. (Having the same height the prism will have more surface area than the pyramid).

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism relates to the volume of a tringular prism if the two have the same lengthwidthand height?

The volume of a rectangular prism is found by; Volume = Length x Width x Height The volume of a triangular prism is found by; Volume = 1/2 x Length x Width x Height Therefore, Length, Width and Height being identical, 1) the volume of a rectangular prism is twice that of a similar triangular prism OR 2) the colume of a triangular prism is half that of a similar rectangular prism.

If the length of a rectangular prism is doubled its width is tripled and its height remains the same what is the volume of the new rectangular prism?

just did this on castle learning the answer is six times

Why does a cube have same number of faces edges and vertices as a rectangular prism?

Because a cube IS a rectangular prism ... one where the length, the width, and the height just happen to be all the same size.

What is the big H of a rectangular prism?

Height it is the same as a little h is is just preference

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

How does a volume of a rectangular prism change is the length and width is doubled and the height stays the same?

It is quadrupled.

How is a rectangular prism and a cube different?

answ2. Cubes is a subset of the set rectangular prisms, limited to those where all edges are equal. (or all faces are equal)yes a rectangle and square. are they the same no

How is a cube and rectangular prism the same?

A cube is a special case of a rectangular prism. If each edge of a rectangular prism were of the same measure, then it would be a cube.

What shape has 6 rectangular faces and 4 faces that are identical is it a 3D hexagon?

a rectangular prism with the same length and height but different width

How is the rectangular prism and the rectangular prism alike?

they are the same shape, so they will be alike.

Is a cuboid same as a rectangular prism?

Yes. A cuboid is also a rectangular prism