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Sort of... an alliteration is when you have a lot of the same letters or letter sounds in a row. So I guess, but not really.

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Q: Is this a alliteration sentence he stand five feet five inches tall?
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It depends on the type of elephant! A male savanna elephant can grow up to 13 feet, or 156 inches. The average height of a female savanna elephant is 9 feet, or 108 inches. Their ears average 60 inches (5 feet) in length and 48 inches (4 feet) in width. A male forest elephant can reach about 96 inches, or 8 feet, and the females are somewhat smaller. Male Asian elephants stand about 84-138 inches (7-11.5 feet), while their female counterparts reach an average height of 93.6 inches (7.8 feet). Average ear measurements are: 30 inches (2.5 feet) in length, and 24 inches (2 feet) in width.

How do you use the word feet in a sentence?

Examplesentenceswith "feet":Jon's feet smell really badThe cupboard is two feet, one inches highLucy threw atantrum, yelling andstompingher feet on the ground