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Q: The thing factor is an antigen that can cause problems in some women who bear more than one offspring?
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The Rh factor is an antigen that can cause problems in some women who bear more than on offspring?

yes. you must be doing your human anatomy in Aplus too lol

Don't Rh factor is an Antigen that can cause problems in some women who bear more than one offspring true or false?

yes. you must be doing your human anatomy in Aplus too lol

Can we pass the Rh factor to our offspring?

It is a fact that parents pass on their Rh factor to their children. When it is the rare negative factor this can cause issues with pregnacy.It would be wise to do further investigation if you are planning a pregnancy.

Can you breed a rabbit with the same rabbit that sired it?

It is possible, but not a good idea. Inbreeding can cause serious health problems for the offspring.

Reacts with an antibody to cause clumping?


Can male poodles mate with their offsprings?

It's not recommended for this to occur as it will cause a lot of genetic problems as well as physical deformities in the offspring.

Can pollen act as an antigen?

yes pollens can act as antigen for those who have allergic,it can cause various respiratory diseases including Asthma.

Does antigens cause fermentation?

no it does not cause fermentation. What do you mean by an Antigen in the context of fermentation? Zymase is the enzyme used in fermentation, when this enzyme used as an Antigen to immumize an animal, it do produce antibody against it :)

What is c antigen?

"C antigen is an antigen in the Rhesus blood grouping system. This blood group system is associated with over 40 antigens which may or may not be present in a someone's blood, determining her or his place in this system. The most famous Rhesus antigen is the D antigen, sometimes called the Rhesus factor, which can cause complications in pregnancy. Blood analysis for C antigen can be performed in a lab which has the serotyping tools necessary to identify the presence of this antigen in the blood. As with some other antigens associated with blood types, the C antigen can create a blood incompatibility which may cause problems during pregnancy or with blood transfusions. If someone does not have this antigen and she or he is exposed to the blood of someone who does, C antibodieswill develop. With the next exposure, a coagulation reaction will occur in the blood. For this reason, it is important to avoid transfusing C positive blood into people who do not have the antigen.Whereas most blood types are determined by red cell antigens that differ by one or two amino acids, the Rh blood group contains the D antigen which differs from th"e C/c and E/e antigens by 35 amino acids. This large difference in amino acids is the reason why the Rh antigens are potent at stimulating an immune response

What lifestyle factor is the greatest contributor to societal health problems today?

Yes, Lifestyle is the leading cause of the health problems that humans have nowadays.

Does an antigen cause an allergic reaction?

Only if the person is already allergic to that antigen. Not if they are immune to the antigen. The word antigen refers to the protein that joins with the antibody. If the antibody is of the allergic type (IgE) then an allergic reaction will happen and if the antibody is of the immune type (IgG, IgM or IgA) then there won't be an allergic reaction.

What Lab Investigation of hepatitis B?

It is a blood test.