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30, 36, 42, 48

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Q: What are 4 multiples of 6 starting with 30?
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What are the common multiples of 30 and 6?

Since 30 is a multiple of 6, all multiples of 30 are common.

What are multiples of 6 to 60 starting from 6?

6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60

From numbers 1-48 which numbers are multiples of 4 but not 6?

The multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, and 48. The multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, and 48. Thus, the multiples of 4 that are not multiples of 6 are 4, 8, 16, 20, 28, 32, 40, and 44.

What are the multiples starting from 6 to 66?

6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66

What is the sum of the first 4 multiples of 6?

6 + 12 + 18 + 24 + 30 + 36 = 126

Which of the multiples of 5 that are less than 100 are also multiples of 6?

The multiples of 5 that are also multiples of 6 are multiples of their LCM. The LCM of 5 and 6 is 30, so the question becomes which multiples of 30 are less than 100? The solution is the numbers: 30, 60, 90

What numbers are multiples of 6 and factors of 30?

6 and 30

What are the multiples of 6 4 3?

Multiples of 6: 1,2,3,6 Multiples of 4: 1,2,4 Multiples of 3: 1,3

What are the common multiples of 6 and 15 ?

They are any multiples of 30

What are the first ten multiples of 4 and 6?

The first 10 multiples of 4 are: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, and 40.The first 10 multiples of 6 are: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60.

What are numbers that are common multiples of 6 and 5?

the common multiples of 5 and 6 is 30

What numbers between 20 and 30 are multiples of both 3 and 6?

multiples of 3 ... 21, 24, 27, 30 (between means leave out 30 multiples of 6 ... 24, 30 so the answer is 24