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Salads,Speacial k cereal,turkey sand vouchsafed, and vegetables

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Q: What are the 5 factors that influences diet?
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It influences it by touching it! It influences it by touching it!

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Extrinsic factors are outside influences.

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How much do genetics have to do with height?

An individual's height is a result of both genetics and environmental influences. Height is controlled by many genes (quantitative) but environmental factors such as diet are also important.

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What are the factors of growth and development?

1. Heredity and genetic factors. 2. Environmental factors. 3. Physical surroundings. 4. Social factors. 5. Nutritious diet. 6. Education.

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How disease could start?

Disease can start from different factors that influence our internal balance. These can be things from external influences or internal factors. External influences can be pathogens and internal factors can be genetics.

What is the difference between environmental factors and genetic factors?

Environmental factors refer to external influences on an organism, such as diet or pollution, that can impact its traits or behavior. Genetic factors, on the other hand, are inherited traits passed down from parents that can affect an organism's characteristics. Both environmental and genetic factors play a role in shaping an organism's phenotype.

What are 5 factors that can affect optimum weight?

Genetic predisposition Metabolism Diet and nutrition Physical activity levels Hormonal balance

What factors influences where Canadians live?

climate and jobs