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Integrator : One application for this device would be to keep a "running total" of radiation exposure, or dosage, if the input voltage was a proportional signal supplied by an electronic radiation detector. Nuclear radiation can be just as damaging at low intensities for long periods of time as it is at high intensities for short periods of time. An integrator circuit would take both the intensity (input voltage magnitude) and time into account, generating an output voltage representing total radiation dosage.

Another application would be to integrate a signal representing water flow, producing a signal representing total quantity of water that has passed by the flowmeter. This application of an integrator is sometimes called a totalizer in the industrial instrumentation trade.

Differentiator: Applications for this, besides representing the derivative calculus function inside of an analog computer, include rate-of-change indicators for process instrumentation. One such rate-of-change signal application might be for monitoring (or controlling) the rate of temperature change in a furnace, where too high or too low of a temperature rise rate could be detrimental. The DC voltage produced by the differentiator circuit could be used to drive a comparator, which would signal an alarm or activate a control if the rate of change exceeded a pre-set level.

In process control, the derivative function is used to make control decisions for maintaining a process at setpoint, by monitoring the rate of process change over time and taking action to prevent excessive rates of change, which can lead to an unstable condition. Analog electronic controllers use variations of this circuitry to perform the derivative function.

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Q: What are the applications of integrator and differentiator circuits?
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for integrator time constant must be greater than 15T(T being the pulse width)

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Because the capacitor is in series with the output. Vice versa for the integrator.

Define linear wave shaping give examples?

Linear wave shaping is the process of modifying the shape of a waveform while maintaining linearity in the output. Examples include amplifiers, differentiator circuits, and integrator circuits. These circuits can shape the waveform by altering its amplitude, frequency, or phase without distorting the linearity of the output signal.

Which integrator is prefered over differentiator?

bhenmchodo kabhi to answer likh diya karo u all motherfuicker always ask for our opininon

What is the difference between the output ofintegratorand input of a differentiator?

A; An integrator will integrate or slowly change as a rapid input is applied. Differentiate will have just the opposite effect

What are the applications of Differentiator?

Many real world problems can be represented by first order differential equation. Some applications of differential equation are radio-active decay and carbon dating, population growth and decay, warming/cooling law and draining a tank.

Why high pass circuit is called as an Differentiator?

A high pass circuit can act as a differentiator because it allows high frequency signals to pass through while attenuating low frequency signals. This property causes the output to respond more to the rate of change of the input signal, making it behave similar to a mathematical differentiator.

Why you use capacitors in integrators?

Capacitor is basically voltage holding device. So it can be used for wave shaping Circuits. Integrator is nothing but voltage integrator with respect to time. As per capacitance different voltages at sequential instants are integrated with respect to time.