The divisors of 101 are: 1, 101.
2,835 has 20 divisors.
120,000 has 70 proper divisors.
Since 11 is a prime number, its only divisors are 1 and itself.
64 has 7 divisors: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64.
Yes, it has divisors other that 1 and itself, e.g. 3,181. In fact by the divisibility condition, "The sum of the digits is divisible by 3, therefore the number itself is divisible by 3", clearly 543 is divisible by 3, i.e. 5+4+3 = 12/3 = 4 making it composite.
543 is not prime. 543 = 3 * 181
Divisors are used to divide numbers.
2,4,8 (1 and 16 are divisors too, but the number and 1 are always divisors)
543 + 78900000 = 78900543
1 3 181 543.
87646555555555555553248777775813 + 543 = 87646555555555555553248777776356
77 is not divisible by 543