The GCF is 9. The LCM is 3528.
The LCD is 36
When the denominators are relatively prime, that is, they have a GCF of 1.
32 and 56 are the two numbers in question.
The GCF is 1. The LCM is 10. The LCD is related to the LCM.
GCD and GCF are the same thing. Factors and divisors are interchangeable. The LCD and the LCM are the same process with different results. The LCD produces a denominator, the LCM produces a whole number.
1 All of these numbers are primes. * * * * * That is the HCF or GCF. The LCD is 42
960 and 8, respectively.
Since they have no common prime factors, their GCF is 1 and their LCD (LCM) is their product, 143.
gcf of 45 and 75 is 15.
Because these are all prime numbers, the LCD will be 1. It'll also be the GCF.
The GCF is 9. The LCM is 3528.
LCD:Lowest Common Denominator GCF:Greatest Common Factor
The LCD is 36
A single number cannot have a greatest common factor (GCF). This is a value determined for 2 or more numbers, similar to the Least Common Denominator (LCD).
When the denominators are relatively prime, that is, they have a GCF of 1.
LCD of 16 and 12 is 2 ( 2 x 8 = 16 and 2 x 6 = 12)