As 47 is a prime number, the only possible factors are 1 and 47. 2728 is not divisible by 47, so the only common factor is 1.
47 is a prime number so the great common factor of 47 and any other number can only ever be 1.
47 you get 47 points they get 1
Applying Euclid's algorithm, the greatest common factor of 44 and 47 is the same as the greatest common factor of 44 and 3 - where 3 is the remainder of the division of 47 by 44.
Since both 23 and 47 are prime numbers, their greatest common factor is 1.
In Greek mythology it is a prime number
Yes. It is, by definition, a factor of every multiple of 47. So 47 is a factor of 47 (47 * 1), 94 (47 * 2) and so on.
The GCF is 47.
1 and 47
1 and 47
47 and 1
1 and 47
2 and 3
Zero and one.
i think it just a number