1. Political factors 2. Socio-cultural factors 3. Economic factors 4. Environment factors
political,socio-economic,heredity,environment,bahavior, and health care delivery systems
There are two types of factors that affect a healthy person; they are internal or external: Good internal factors would be the knowledge of what is healthy and what is not, and the ability and the desire to make good choices affecting health. Good external factors would be good genetics, a good environment to grow and develop, knowledge available to learn what is good for health and what is not, the freedom to make good choices concerning health, the means to take advantage of choices that are good for health.
The different factors affecting food ways and culinary practices are: 1. geographical location 2. Climate 3. Topography 4. History 5. Religion 6. Economic Factors 7. Psychological Factors 8. Health Concerns 9. physical 10. psychological 11. social 12. culture 13. sensory
There are many factors that are affecting the Indian climate. Some of the common factors include human interference, deforestation, pollution of the environment and many more.
Factors-what does this mean? factors affecting location of a nuclear plant
The factors affecting toughness of rock includes; 1. Rock Texture. 2. Rock Structure. 3. Weathering activities. 4. Metamorphism.
physical & biological
factor which affect health status of local community
External factors affecting staffing include the community, competitive environment and education levels in the community. If there unemployment rate is high in the area, it will help organizations find qualified candidates easier.
Type your answer here... what are factors affecting personal hygiene?
External factors affecting staffing include the community, competitive environment and education levels in the community. If there unemployment rate is high in the area, it will help organizations find qualified candidates easier.
Pollution Nutrition Allergies Stress
Social Factors:- Gender- Ethnicity- Education- Age- Social ClassPsychological Factors:- Values- Beliefs- AttitudesWider Community:- Access to services- Parental Control- Political Climate- Peer Pressure- Economic- Financial- Access to Resources
Having mental friends
what are the factors that affecting decision making what are the factors that affecting decision making what are the factors that affecting decision making what are the factors that affecting decision making what are the factors that affecting decision making
Hereditary Factor.Physical Factor.Socio-cultural Factor.
please give me the ans. of factor affecting demand and supply of health
The Canadian Community Health Survey is annually carried out on the residents of Canada to keep track of different diseases affecting the Canadian society and to detect new diseases and prevent them.