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2.5Faktor whatever influence ethical decision Euthanasia


Factor Law

The law as written in the Criminal Code of Criminal only see doctors as the main perpetrator of euthanasia, active euthanasia in particular and treated as a murder plan, or intentionally remove a life. Until the legal aspects, the doctor is always in the act of euthanasia blamed, regardless of the background does euthanasia. Not care whether the action on the request or the patient's own family, to relieve the suffering of patients in dying or very intense pain that is not known medicinal properties. On the other hand the judge can drop dead criminal for someone who is still fit as a fiddle that would still want to live, and not require the patient's death as a great pain, without snared by article article in the law found in the Criminal Code Criminal.

2.Faktor Rights

Human rights are always associated with the rights of life, peace and sebagainya.Tapi not see clearly the availability of the right to die. Dead like precisely linked to human rights violations. This is evident from the legal aspects of euthanasia, which tend to blame the medical staff in euthanasia. If students with the right to live decent penanutnya and so, indirectly, the availability should terbersit right to die, when worn to prevent yourself from any inconvenience or indeed from the great suffering.

3.Faktor knOwledge

Medical knowledge can predict the likelihood keberhasilanupaya medical action to achieve a cure or reduction of patient suffering. When a barely adakemungkinan medicine for healing or reduction of suffering, if one can not ask her right to life can not be renewed? Every effort will be made vain, but instead can be alleged a lie, because in sampingtidak lead to healing, another family will be dragged in the leaching of funds.

4.Faktor Religion

Birth and death are the right of God to not adaseorangpun in this world has the right to extend ataumemperpendek own age. This statement is in accordance with strictly prohibit members of agamasecara euthanasia action, for any reason whatsoever. Doctor bisadikategorikan grievous sin and against the will of God yaitumemperpendek age. People who require euthanasia, walaupundengan of pain sometimes even categorized sekaratdapat sometimes in despair, and despair not deign dihadapanTuhan. But criminal verdict in death of someone fit as a fiddle, and certainly very not want to die, and not in penderitaanapalagi dying, never associated with religious statement satuini. Another aspect of the statement still extend, actually biladikaitkan with medical efforts can create other problems. Mengapaorang should kedokter and berobat to overcome illness, kalaumemang absolute age in the hands of God, if not timely, not turn off. If someone capable of treating the disease can extend puladiartikan as age or towing capacity proseskematian. So capacity can medispun question as melawankehendak God. In the case of this kind of thing men often menggunakanstandar double. Good things which he said case, no need to look padahukum existing law, or even finding other evidences bisamendukung opinion, but at the time of their feeling that it does

less suitable to his heart, he has been through various evidences for underpinned it.

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Declaration on Euthanasia was created in 1980.

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I'm a christian & strongly believe in euthanasia.