A couple of problems. You need at least two numbers to find a GCF and the GCF is by definition positive.
The GCF is 25.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
The LCM of 960, 1600 is 4800.
Two pairs of numbers with a GCF of 8 and an LCM of 360 are 360 and 8 and 72 and 40
The Least Common multiple of 9, 19 and 49 is 8379.
The GCF is: 4
The GCF of 304 and 980 is 4.
140 is the Greatest Common Factor of 280 and 980.
It is: 20
The GCF of 252, 420, and 980 is 28.
The GCF is 140.
The GCF is 4.
The GCF is 25.
The GCF is 2.
You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.
The LCM of 960, 1600 is 4800.
980 + 980 + 980 + 980 + 980 + 980 + 980 = 6860