When they have no common prime factors.
The same way anyone else does. To multiply fractions, multiply the top numbers together and then the bottom numbers together. The two totals become the top and bottom number, respectively, of the new fraction. To divide fractions, flip the second fraction upside down and multiply it.
When two numbers have a GCF of 1, their product will be their LCM.
The numbers are 4 and 13
1, 2, 11, 22, 121, 242 | 1 x 242, 2 x 121, 11 x 22.
1 x 242, 2 x 121, 11 x 22
You can multiply any numbers together.
1 x 484, 2 x 242, 4 x 121, 11 x 44, 22 x 22.
multiply the numerators (top numbers) together then multiply the denominators (lower numbers) together
1. Find out which numbers multiply together to reach the target number, then find out which numbers multiply together to make the numbers that multiply together to reach the target number.
The numbers will be the square root of 1120
The two numbers you can multiply together to equal 782 are 23 by 34.
The two numbers you multiply together to equal 391 are 17 by 23.
The 2 numbers that multiply together to equal 678 are 6 and 113.
multiply the numbers together
Two numbers that you can multiply together to get 72 are: 36 and 2.