

Best Answer

1. Arceus. Nothing comes close.

2. Deoxys

3. Mew

4. Mewtwo

5. Dialga

6. Lugia

7. Palkia

8. Rayquaza

9. Groudon

10. Kyogre

Research their stats, types, ability, unpredictability, and playability and you'll see why.

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12y ago

Dragonite, Garchomp, Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, and Hydreigon all are psuedo legendary's (non legendary pokemon with legendary pokemon stats). Eelektross and Spiritomb both don't have any weaknesses. Scizor and Bisharp are my favorite pokemon, thats my personal top list there might be other top tens that could be more helpful.

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Q: What are the top 10 pokemon ever?
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My top 10 are Arceus Infernape Girratina Groudon Dialga Palkia Rayquazza Starapter Torterra Blazeikin

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It is Torrtera,Mewtwo,and Mewtrince.

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The top ten coolest Pokemon are: Heatrran Lucario Dialga Giritina Palkia Reshiram Zorua Darkral Zekrom ZZoruark

5 best Pokemon ever?

well this is my opion but the top 5 to me are Latias, Latios, Raquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre.

Is Dragonite the best Pokemon ever?

Of course, but you need to play the game without cheats and it needs to be played on the game boy for best results