check the link provided!
Different rankings place different countries at the top of the list of the world's poorest countries, but generally the country in Africa with the most poverty is the Democractic Republic of the Congo, with Zimbabwe following closely behind.
Some top countries for water consumption include: United States, Canada, Australia, Bolivia, Mongolia, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Kazakhstan. To see a world map of water footprints, see the related link.
china north Korea and India
It's pretty clear from a scan of the Eurovision winners ( that ABBA's Waterloo (the winner in 1974) is by far the most successful song to come out of the contest. It charted in the top 10 around the world (including the US and Canada) and peaked at number one in many countries including the UK and most of Europe. Interesting footnote: one exception was Belgium, where it never charted at all. (The actual battle of Waterloo in 1815 was in Belgium.)
mike Vick
There are currently no black countries that are successful. However black countries do tend to have the 'top slot' in other world wide categories. For one, Black nations have the highest crime rates in the world. Two, HIV/AIDS is most endemic in black nations - typically 3o% are infected.
USA by far is the most dangerous country in the world.
Antarctica and Oceania are the two continents that do not have any of the top most popular countries in the world in terms of population, economy, or global influence.
Antarctica and Australia
Africa has the most countries on the list of the top 10 countries with the most number of countries.
China and America are the most developed countries on the planet. Sweden and all those 2nd world countries are crap....they still live in 17th century cities.
Antarctica and Australia
top 10 richest countries in world
RussiaCanadaUnited StatesChinaBrazilAustraliaIndiaArgentinaKazakhstanAlgeriaDemocratic Republic of the CongoSaudi ArabiaMexicoIndonesiaSudanLibyaIranMongoliaPeruChad
Monaco, Singapore and South Korea are the most densely populated countries in the world. Mongolia, Namibia and Australia are least densely populated