gold and silver
That's the least common denominator or LCD.
The least common multiple of two or more denominators is known as the least common denominator, or LCD.
common multiple
The two most common types of compressors are the positive-displacement and the velocity or dynamic.
Folate -vitamin A -iron
The word shortfall means a deficit or something that is needed or required. Shortfall can be used when describing the difference between the money you have and the money you need to buy something. For example if you had å£20 but wanted to buy something for å£30 then you would have a shortfall of å£10.
When Marsha wanted to pay the electric bill, she looked in the money envelope and remembered that she could make up the shortfall by taking money from her piggy bank.
An endowment shortfall is common issue among people who purchases mortgages in the eighties and nineties. The idea was that people pay a reduced mortgage rate, and contributed a reasonable some of money towards endowments to be invested on the open market. The contract didn't offer protection to the home owners and when the finicial recession of the late eighties and early nineties hit, the money left within the endowment didn't cover the mortgages, creating a shortfall.
Retirement Shortfall One of the biggest risks to a comfortable retirement is running out of money too soon. This calculator helps you determine your projected shortfall or surplus at retirement. You can also see just how long your current retirement savings will last. If your results project a shortfall, you might need to save more, earn a better rate of return, or possibly delay your retirement.
Cells and carbohydrates are the two nutrients which store energy.
deficit famine shortfall shortage lack
lack, shortfall, shortage, loss, arrears
If your mortgage exceeds the sale price of your property your will be subject to a "Mortgage Shortfall" If you are selling your property to move to another and the shortfall is less the 2% most high street lenders can arrange a loan for your replayment of the mortgage shortfall and will not prevent you selling your property. If the % of "Shortfall" is significant some lenders will insist in you taking a secured loan, or disallow the sale of your property until some of the shortfall is paid. If you have mortgage shortfall, AND mortgage arrears it is unlikely any high street lender will allow you to sell the property and move to another. If your mortgage arrears exceed 3 months they may start repossession proceedings. In most cases if individuals financial situation allows the most cost effective way of dealing with mortgage shortfall if you intend to move and do not have adverse credit is to find the cheapest unsecured loan for the minimun required by the lender to pay off a lump sum of the mortgage which will reduce or remove any shortfall your property currently has.
What are the two ways organisms use nutrients from food?
a profit