There can be no greatest common denominator. If you have a set a numbers whose least common denominator is L then 2*L, 3*L, … are all common denominators. There is no end to that sequence and so no greatest.
It means write down three pairs of numbers that are relatively prime like 4 and 9, 5 and 6, 13 and 25
I regret that this is more than 3 years late. One possible pair of numbers is 1 and 50.
Identify two numbers whose Greatest Common Factor is 24 and Least Common Multiple is 48?The two numbers are 12 and 24.
The number is 85.
The answer is: 3
4 and 9 12 and 17
29 and 4147
this is hard
12 and 20
12 and 20
The GCF is 16.
4 and 9
28 and 56