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Let's call the two angles angle 1 and angle 2. We are given that angle 1 and angle 4 form a linear angle and that angle 2 and angle 4 form a linear angle.

Because linear angles measure 180 degrees, we arrive at:

m<1 + m<4 = 180

m<2 + m<4 = 180.

By subtracting the second equation from the first, we get:

m<1 - m<2 = 0.

And finally:

m<1 = m<2.

Thus, angle 1 is congruent to angle 2.

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Q: What can be concluded about two angles that each form a linear angle with angle 4?
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What kind of triangle has one acute angle and two congruent sides?

An equilateral triangle has 3 equal angles and 3 equal sides. The angles add up to 1800 and there are 3 equal angles so each is 600an equilateral triangle

What is the size of the interior angle of a regular pentagon?

108 degrees The sum of all interior angles of a polygon is equal to the following: 180n-360, where n is the number of sides. For n=5, the total of all of the angles is 180*5-360=900-360=540. Since every angle in a regular polygon, each interior angle of a regular pentagon is 540/5=108 degrees.

Diagonals bisect each other at what angels for a rhombus?

They bisect each other at an angle of 90 degrees

How it can be proved that angle between two straight lines is equal to the angle between their normals?

If two lines have angles theta1 and theta2 relative to some third arbitrary line, then the angle between those two lines is theta1 minus theta2. The normal of a line at a point is a line that is 90 degrees from the line going through that point, so the angle between a line and its normal is 90 degrees. As a result, the angle between the two normals of those lines is (theta1 plus 90) minus (theta2 plus 90), which is the same as theta1 minus theta2 because the two plus 90's cancel each other.

How can you say that if areas of two triangles are equal then they are congruent?

In order for a triangle to be congruent the two triangles have to be the same shape and size, thus they are congruent if they can be moved into an isometry or any other combination. But you're asking how a question which has two possibilities. Assuming that you have two triangles whose sides are equivalent which makes the areas equal to each other then you can state the side-side-side rule which is if the three sides of one triangle is equivalent to the other three sides of the other triangle then they are congruent. But if you have an angle present in the triangles you could argue the angle angle side rule, but if the angles are joint you would argue the angle side angle. But if one triangle has one degree and the other one has a different degree then they will not be congruent.

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sum of external angles of a polygon is always 360&deg; sum of 10 external angles = 360&deg; each exterior angle = 360/10 = 36&deg; exterior angle and interior angle forms a linear pair i.e. = 180&deg; interior angle = 180 - 36 = 144&deg; sum of exterior angles of polygon is = (n - 2) &times; 180&deg; = (10 - 2) &times; 180 = 1440&deg; so each interior angle = 1440/10 = 144&deg; ---------

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