LCM(25, 30, 72) = 1800.
The highest common factor of the numbers 30, 60 and 72 is 6.
30 Minute Meals - 2001 Taqueria in 30 6-72 was released on: USA: 27 October 2007
The GCF of 30, 48 and 72 is 6. The GCF of 3048 and 72 is 24.
The least common multiple of the numbers 27, 45 and 72 is 1,080.
30 + 42 = 72
30% means 30/100 which = 0.30 0.30 * 72 = 21.6
Suppose it is x. Then 72/x = 30% = 30/100 So x = 72*100/30 = 720/3 = 240
LCM(25, 30, 72) = 1800.
Well, darling, 30 goes into 72 a grand total of two times. Simple math for simple minds, honey.
The LCM of 27, 30, and 72 is 1080.
LCM(72, 30) = 360the LCM is 360
multiples of 30 and 72: 360 and 720.
The GCF is 6.
The GCF of 21, 30, and 72 is 3.
42 72