The closest would be Phoenix, Arizona with 516.7 sq miles. Houston, TX is 599.6 square miles.
The city of Houston covers an area of 601.7 square miles (1,558 km2)
It is about 5,000 miles from Houston, Texas to the Equator. If a person travels on land from Houston, Texas to Panama City, Panama and then charters a boat from Panama City, Panama to the Equator, it will shorten the trip by about 500 miles.
Waco is closer at 201 miles and the distance to Houston is 260 miles.
It is 24.3 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 1,914.95 miles according to MapQuest.
The city of Houston covers an area of 601.7 square miles (1,558 km2)
It is 601.3 square miles.
Houston, Texas is bigger than Chicago by nearly three times. Total land area of Chicago is 234.0 square miles, verus Houston, which is 627.8 square miles.
Houston is the largest city in Texas in terms of area, measuring 601.7 square miles. Its city population is also the fourth largest in the United States.
Area - City 601.7 sq mi (1,558 km2)
It is 1,635 miles according to Google Maps.
Some cities that are approximately 1000 miles away from Houston, Texas include Denver, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; and Orlando, Florida. The exact distance may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken. Other cities that are around 1000 miles away from Houston include Atlanta, Georgia; St. Louis, Missouri; and Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Los Angeles, California is a city of almost 500 square miles on the Pacific Ocean. The center of the city is about 15 miles inland.
750 miles
59 miles
It is 26.62 miles southeast of central Houston.
447 miles