

Best Answer

There was a day 23 years ago that people of that time called "today". But

it wasn't the same "today" that you and I know. It was a different day.

Today, it's always "today". But yesterday, today was tomorrow.

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Q: What day was it today 23 years ago?
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What show featuring David Hasselhoff as private eye Michael Knight went off the air exactly 23 years ago?

knight rider

What are the release dates for Today - 1952 1981-07-23?

Today - 1952 1981-07-23 was released on: USA: 23 July 1981

What are the release dates for Today - 1952 - 1989-02-23?

Today - 1952 - 1989-02-23 was released on: USA: 23 February 1989

What are the release dates for Today - 1952 2005-05-23?

Today - 1952 2005-05-23 was released on: USA: 23 May 2005

What are the release dates for Today - 1952 2013-04-23?

Today - 1952 2013-04-23 was released on: USA: 23 April 2013

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