-- They're all 2-digit numbers.
-- They're all even numbers.
-- They're all greater than any number that's less than 24.
-- They're all multiples of 1, 2, 4, and 8.
-- They are all 8 (a power of 2) times an odd prime (3, 5, and 7 respectively).
The GCF is 8.
The least common multiple of 40 , 60 , 24 , 32 = 480
The greatest common factor of 20, 24, and 56 are 4 .
56 and 40's highest common factor is eight.
96 is the only common multiple of 24 and 32 up to 100.
The GCF of 24, 40, and 56 is 8The GCF is 8.
The GCF is 8.
The GCF of 24, 40 and 56 is 8. You are left with 3, 5 and 7. There are no further common factors here aside from 1.
The least common multiple of 40 , 60 , 24 , 32 = 480
The GCF is 8.
The GCF for 24 and 40 and 56 is 8
Greatest common denominators are infinite. The GCF is 8. The LCD is 840.
The greatest common factor of 24 and 56 is 8.The least common multiple of 24 and 56 is 168.
The greatest common factor of 20, 24, and 56 are 4 .
56 and 40's highest common factor is eight.
It is: 8