As far as I have seen, the "CR" in the CR1620 battery number denotes a manganese dioxide lithium chemistry within the battery.
FM in an address stands for Farm to Market road. So for formal invitations, you would spell out "Farm to Market Road" for 1245 FM 45.
Criminal Procedure Code.
salt lake
18 cr
Although CR1616 and CR 1620 are only a few numbers apart, the CR1620 will probably be too big to place in something needing a CR1616. Therefore, many times they will not be compatible. I recommend that you buy the right size battery.
The part number is 31500-SR1-100M.
Chester Rodney
520/435 Everstart Part Number 51-4
CR 2032, 3V lithium battery
cr 1616
``Comport room''
DR is for Debit Record, and CR is for Credit Record.
Cr is the symbol for chromium, BUT when in parenthesis and the first letter is lowercase, it means "Crystalline"
CR 2032