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it is called the power

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Q: What does the number called that's on top of the symbol?
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How do you change a fraction into a percent?

you divide the top number into the bottom and thats how you get the answer

What does the number on top of the symbol mean in the periodic table?

It is the Atomic Number.

A number written to the left of a chemical symbol or formula is called?

In chemical symbol, number written on top-left (2H) is is the mass number, and on the bottom left (1H) is atomic number. In chemical symbol the number in the very left of formula is used for balancing chemical equation.

What does the top number called in division?

The top number is called the numerator.

What is the top number in a division problem called?

The top number in a fraction is called the "numerator". The bottom number is called the "denominator"

The top number in division is called what?

The top number in an improper fraction is called the numerator. The bottom number is called the denominator.

What is a tau cross with a loop on top called?

An Ankh - the symbol for life

In a faction what is the bottem number called?

It is the denominator and the top number is the numerator

What symbol is used to represent one or more numbers?

put a line on top of the number for example a line on top of second number its easy

What is the circular button in the top-left corner of the PowerPoint window called?

i guess thats the logo

What is the top loop of the and symbol called?

What an interesting question! How about you tell us first what the bottom loop is called? I always thought the whole symbol "&" was an ampersand. Now you have me thinking that the name for the top loop could be ampers, with the bottom left incognito. After all, it does say ampers and . . .

What is the name of of the symbol located above the number 8 on the top of the keyboard?

That is an asterisk.