The land area of Indiana is 35,871.73 square miles.
France - 211,209.38 square miles.
Continental Africa has an area of 11,668,598.7 square miles.
Nebraska has two major land regions: the Dissected Till Plains and the Great Plains.
Kenya's land area is approximately 224,081 square miles.
Kenya has a total land area of around 224,960 square miles (582,650 square kilometers).
Colorado's total land area is 103,717.53 square miles.
Hawaii, USA - 10,931 total square miles, of which 58.8% or 6,427.43 square miles is land.
The total land area of the Philippines is approximately 115,800 square miles.
Total land area is 251,827.412 square miles.
Colorado's land area is 103,719.2616 square miles.
Indiana, USA - 35,871.73 square miles of land. (total area including water is 36,418 square miles).
Egypt - 387,048 total square miles of which 384,601.85 square miles is land.
Syria - Total Area: 71,498.4 square miles. Land: 70,900 square miles.
The Pacific states are Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. Alaska is the largest state in the U.S. with total land area of 570,640 square miles. Hawaii is the smallest of the Pacific states with a total land area of 6,422 square miles and a total area (land and water) of 10,931 square miles. California has total area of 163,394 square miles and total land area of 155,779 square miles. Oregon has total area of 98,378 square miles and total land area of 95,988 square miles. Washington has total area of 71,297 square miles and total land area of 66,455 square miles.
kenya iS about bigger than the U.S isles, the U.S is 244,20 sq km in total land area, while Kenya is 582,50 sq km in total land area according to cia world fact book, making Kenya more than twice the size of U.S.