2 and 7 are the prime factors of 56.
It is: 2
The greatest common factor of 105 and 56 is 7.
Exactly as it is because 31 is a prime number
The GCF of 14, 31, 39, and 56 is 1. One way to solve the problem is to notice that 31 is prime, and can't possibly be a factor of 14, which is smaller.If you prefer, you can write the prime factorization of each number in the set and find the GCF:The prime factorization of 14 is 2*7The prime factorization of 31 is 31 (1*31)The prime factorization of 39 is 3*39The prime factorization of 56 is 2*2*2*7So the GCF is 1.
The common prime factor of 56 and 63 is 7.
The odd prime factor of 56 is: 7
Use a factor tree. 56 28,2 14,2 7,2,2,2 The largest prime factor is 7.
The only odd prime factor of 56 is: 7
The GCF of 11 and 56 is 1. Since 11 is prime and is not a factor of 56, the numbers are co-prime, and have no other common factor except 1.
There is only 1 prime factor of 56 and it is 7.
2 and 7 are the prime factors of 56.
Factors of 56: 1 2 4 7 8 14 28 56 Prime factors of 56: 23and 7
There is only one odd prime factor in 56, which is 7.
It is: 2
Since the GCF of 45 and 56 is 1, they are relatively prime.