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I'm assuming you mean Porygon. Porygon evoles into Porygon2 then into PorygonZ. It evoles into both of them by being traded with an item. Porygon=porygon2 traded w/ upgrade, Porygon2=PorygonZ trade w/ dubious disk

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What Pokemon can you not get in platinum?

If you don't have an action replay, other games, wifi or the GTS the Pokemon you cannot get are: Bulbasaur and evolutions, Charmander and evolutions, Squirtle and evolutions, Mewtwo, Mew, Chikorita and evolutions, Cyndaquil and evolutions, Totodile and evolutions, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Treecko and evolutions, Torchic and evolutions, Mudkip and evolutions, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Murkrow and evolutions, Misdreavus and evolutions, Trapinch and evolutions, Clamperl and evolutions, Glameow and evolutions, Stunky and evolutions, Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus

What Pokemon are catchable on Pokemon Pearl?

azumaril bidoof bibaral crogaunk' drapion skorupi carnivine psyduck golduck Roselia budew marill Also if you have a super rod you can get a carvanha and a whiscash And you can get a eggxecute or w/e and a brown and green spotted mushroom looking thing (the brown and green spotted mushroom lokig thing is actually a shroomish)

Is eevee the best pokemon?

It's cool pokemon that can evolve into a bunch of other cool pokemon, but it's far from being the best. It's evolutions aren't the best either.

Pokemon diamond evolution chart?

at you can find all the pokémon, with their evolutions and shiny colour. (left picture/sprite is normal colour, right picture/sprite is shiny) hope this helps =)

Pokemon egg groups?

The Pokémon Egg Groups are Undiscovered, Human-Life, Water 1, Water 2, Water 3, Mineral, Amorphous, Monster, Bug, Flying, Field, Fairy, Grass, Dragon and Ditto, the Pokémon that are listed in the Water 1 group are Poliwag and its evolutions, Clamperl and its evolutions, Mantine, Palpitoad, Tympole, Seismitoad, Froakie and its evolutions, Squirtle and its two evolutions, Lapras, Omastar, Omanyte, Seel, Dewgong, Golduck, Psyduck, Dratini and its evolutions, Marill and its evolution, Totodile and its evolutions, Wooper, Quagsire, Remoraid and its evolution, Corsola and Slowpoke as well as its two evolutions.

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What are the 13 Pokemon you can't get in Pokemon Platinum?

Aside from legendary Pokemon and starters from past generations, Murkrow and its evolutions, misdreavus and its evolutions, trapinch and its evolutions, clamperl and its evolutions, Glameow and its evolutions, and stunky and its evolutions cannot be found in the wild in Pokemon Platinum.

What Pokemon can be bred?

Almost all pokemon with evolutions can be bred. Legendaries can not though.

Which Pokemon evolves into milktank?

No Pokemon evolves into milktank. Milktank has no evolutions or pre-evolutions.

Can you get any Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Black?

no, all the Pokemon in black and white are new; there are no evolutions of old Pokemon...

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All starter Pokemon evolutions for black and white?

No man no man

What evolves into garatina?

Well, nothing. All legendary Pokemon don't have evolutions.

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What Pokemon are in Pokemon platiunum's non natinal pokedex?

All the Pokemon from the Diamond and Pearl Sinnoh Dex, plus 60 others. These include, Ralts (and evolutions), Houndour (and evolutions), and Giratina. if you are not sure like i am \ was then check out for more info

What are all the Pokemon evolutions?

I know that you can go onto and check out the pokedec for all the Pokemon .... well they don't show shaymin and arceus

Can you see all new Pokemon and evolutions of Pokemon black and white?

if your talking as of right now yes. if you meen all of then no. not until 2011.

Where do you find a simple electric Pokemon?

In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, the first two Electric Pokemon you can find are Shinx (evolutions: Luxio, Luxray) and Pachirisu (no evolutions).