The only name is factorization.
Greatest Common Factor is GCF
83 is prime. No tree.
61 is already prime. It doesn't need a tree.
When the bottom branch consists entirely of prime numbers.
A prime number
Another name for the least common factor is 1.
Another English name for the peepal tree is the sacred fig tree.
The only name is factorization.
Another name for the may tree is the hawthorn tree. It is also known as the whitethorn, thornapple, or mayflower.
Another name for tree cutter is arborist or tree surgeon.
The gum tree is mostly native to Australia. Yes, there is another name for the gum tree; it is Eucalyptus.
Another name for the hazelnut tree is a Filbert.
X-mass tree.
A commonly used factor tree for 132 is: 132 11 12 11 4 3 11 2 4 3 Another factor tree for 132 is: 132 66 2 22 3 2 11 2 3 2 Yet another factor tree for 132 is: 132 66 2 33 2 2 11 3 2 2 Hey for the first factor tree 4 isn't prime
Another name for arbutus is madrone.