proper is when the numerator is smaller than the denominator
common means A fraction where both top and bottom are integers.
Argentina is a proper noun. Proper nouns are the unique names of people, places, or things. Common nouns are the words for general things. If a common noun is part of a name, it becomes a proper noun. Pronouns always replace proper and common nouns.
No, the noun France is a proper noun, the name of a specific place; the common noun is country.
Names of countries are always proper nouns.
The common noun for the proper noun 'Nile' is river.Note: A proper noun is always capitalized.
"Park Avenue" is a proper noun, because it is a place. Proper nouns like this should always be capitalized.
common and proper
It is a proper noun, because it is the name of a specific thing.
it's a common noun. a proper noun would be Spider-Man.
Pencil proper or common noun
It's a common noun as it's a general name for a thing. There's nothing special or particular about it.
Proper noun