Geodetic azimuth is when you measure in a Brunton compass from 0 to 360 degrees clockwise.
in plane survey the surface of earth assume as plane or straight its uses as limited distance where as in geodetic survey surface of earth assume as curve its use in long distance.
Antenna gain of base station for a specific user depends on antenna pattern, antenna orientation (azimuth and tilt) and user's coordinates with respect to base station.
It is possible to make your own Dobsonian telescope. It can be quite costly to do so due to the Pyrex lenses. It is an alt-azimuth Newtonian style scope that collects light.
Positions in the sky are measured by angles. The simplest is the altitude, the angle above the horizon, and the azimuth, the direction measured running eastwards from north. There are other systems but always two coordinates are needed to specify a direction. Star positions are measured with a transit-circle, which always faces exactly south, and the stars are timed as they cross the meridian. The altitude gives the star's declination in degrees and the time gives the right-ascension in hours and minutes after a standard direction known as the First Point of Aries has passed.
It does not have a longitude. Only things on Earth have longitude. The stars in Ursa Major are located in the sky by using declination and right ascension. The star in Ursa Major where the "handle" meets the "bowl" is Megrez. Its Right Ascension (RA) is 12 hours 15 minutes and 47.521 seconds. This is the measure that is "like" longitude. Its Declination is 56 degrees 59 minutes and 15.84 seconds. These are the celestial coordinates, and won't mean much to you without the aid of charts. Celestial coordinates for a given object at a given time will be the same for any observer anywhere on earth. Of course, not every object is visible to all observers at any time. But these celestial coordinates, given in right ascension (RA), corresponding to longitude on the earth's surface, and declination (Dec), corresponding to latitude on the earth's surface, will be the same whether the object specified can be seen by you or not. RA is measured in units of time: hours, minutes and seconds, through 24 hours (starting with the 0 hour) and Dec is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds, from +90 (north) to -90 (south) degrees, with 0 degrees at the equator. This is like the earth's coordinate system blown up and "pasted" to the stars, but with the zero point fixed against the stars. The position of stars is "constant" figuring from this system, except that there is a slow and constant drift of these coordinates for reasons beyond this answer's scope (see First Point of Aries). There is another completely different coordinate system that can be used by any observer no matter where they are on earth (altazimuth coordinates). Of course, the results you get will be unique to you, since this system is centered at your location. This system uses the observer's true horizon as zero degrees altitude and altitude goes up to 90 degrees (the point exactly above you, the zenith- not the point exactly above the pole). The equivalent of longitude is "azimuth", and this is measured along the observer's horizon clockwise, starting at exactly north (zero degrees). Usually it would be the coordinates of a single star that would be useful, and not the coordinates of a constellation that is stretched out over a big chunk of sky.
Astronomical azimuth is measured from true north, while geodetic azimuth is measured from the north-south line of a geodetic datum. In other words, astronomical azimuth uses the Earth's axis as reference, while geodetic azimuth is corrected for the Earth's shape and gravity. This difference leads to variations in azimuth readings, especially over long distances.
The North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) is "Thehorizontal control datum for the United States that (was) defined by (a) location and azimuth on the Clarke spheroid of 1866, with origin at (the survey station) Meades Ranch." ... The geoidal height at Meades Ranch (was) assumed to be zero. "Geodetic positions on the North American Datum of 1927 were derived from the (coordinates of and an azimuth at Meades Ranch) through a readjustment of the triangulation of the entire network in which Laplace azimuths were introduced, and the Bowie method was used." (Geodetic Glossary, pp. 57)
An azimuth thruster is an engine and ship's propeller in a pod which is azimuth adjustable.
To convert a magnetic azimuth to grid azimuth, subtract G-M angle.” If you have a magnetic azimuth of 270 degrees, and the G-M angle is 8 degrees, your grid azimuth will be 262 degrees.
Rudi Geodetic Point was created in 2006.
A geodetic theodolite is a precise surveying instrument used to measure horizontal and vertical angles in geodetic surveying. It is designed for high-accuracy measurements required in geodetic surveying applications such as mapping, construction, and infrastructure development. Geodetic theodolites are typically equipped with electronic distance measurement capabilities for increased accuracy and efficiency.
U.S. National Geodetic Survey was created in 1807.
The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.
Azimuth Systems was created in 2002.
RBG-Azimuth was created in 2006.