To compare 0.6 and 2/3, we need to convert 0.6 to a fraction. 0.6 can be written as 6/10 or simplified to 3/5. Now we can compare 3/5 and 2/3. To do this, we need to find a common denominator, which is 15 in this case. Multiplying 3/5 by 3/3 gives us 9/15 and multiplying 2/3 by 5/5 gives us 10/15. Therefore, 2/3 is greater than 0.6.
3/8 is greater.
3/8 is greater.
3 over 4 is less than 4 over 5. 3 over 4 is equal to .75 and 4 over 5 is equal to .80.80>.75
Because 3 is greater than 1. I suppose it's possible to do it in your head, if you remember that in the world of fourths, 1 - 3 equals 2 but it's easier to subtract 3/4 from 17/4 or 3 and 5/4. As long as you can get to 3 and 1/2, it doesn't really matter, but don't tell your teacher I said that.
2/3 is a proper fraction.8/2 is an improper fraction.
3/2 is greater.
1 over 2 is = 1/2 which is 50% 2 over 3 is = 2/3 which is 66.6<- repeating bar % 2/3 is greater.
2 over 3.
1/2 is greater than 1/3
2 over 3
3/6 can be simplified to 1/2, and 1/2 is greater than 2/5. So, 3/6 is greater then 2/5.
2/3 is greater than 7/13.
2/3 is greater.
2/3 is greater.
No, it is not. It is not greater THAN 2/5 either.
2/3 is greater than 1/3. The two fractions have the same denominator, therefore the greater their numerator the greater is its value.. Also, 2/3 = 0.6667 while 1/3 = 0.3333.