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The plasma frequency,


is the most fundamental time-scale in plasma physics. Clearly, there is a different plasma frequency for each species. However, the relatively fast electron frequency is, by far, the most important, and references to ``the plasma frequency'' in text-books invariably mean the electron plasma frequency.

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Q: What is plasma frequency?
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Can glass contain plasma?

Yes, glass can contain plasma. Plasma can be generated inside a glass container using high-frequency electrical discharges. The glass container must be able to withstand the high temperatures associated with plasma.

What type of energy is a plasma ball?

A plasma ball, also known as a plasma globe, contains high-frequency alternating current which creates a glowing plasma discharge. The energy in a plasma ball is in the form of electrical energy that excites the gas inside the sphere, producing the colorful tendrils of light.

How can you make a tiny plasma ball?

To make a tiny plasma ball, you can start by using a high-frequency, high-voltage power source, such as a Tesla coil. Place a small glass or acrylic sphere at the tip of the coil and adjust the frequency and voltage until a plasma discharge forms inside the sphere, creating a miniature plasma ball. Make sure to take appropriate safety precautions when working with high-voltage equipment.

Did Nikola Tesla invent the plasma ball?

No, Nikola Tesla did not invent the plasma ball. The plasma ball was actually invented by Nikola's brother, Danelei Tesla, in 1894. Nikola Tesla did, however, work extensively with high-voltage and high-frequency phenomena related to plasma discharge.

What has the author Edward J Yadlowsky written?

Edward J. Yadlowsky has written: 'Laboratory investigations of driven low frequency plasma oscillations' -- subject(s): Plasma (Ionized gases), Plasmons (Physics)

What is the type of radiation stopped in the ionosphere?

Eletromagnetic radiation with a frequency below the ionosphere's plasma frequency will generally be reflected. The specific frequency depends on the density of ionospheric plasma which can vary at different altitudes, but also different geomagnetic latitudes and from day to night. For a typical daytime mid-latitude ionosphere, the most dense part of the ionosphere, (the "F" region), will reflect radio frequencies up to ~2.8Mhz (assuming an electron density of 1e11 m-3).

How offtenly you can donate the blood?

In the US, whole blood can be donated every 56 days (8 weeks), platelets up to 24 times a year and volunteer plasma as determined by each independent blood collection facility. Source plasma collection (paid plasma donations) vary on frequency of collection, depending on the need.

What are physical properties of plasma?

Plasma is a state of matter that does not have a fixed shape or volume, and consists of ionized gas particles. It conducts electricity and is affected by magnetic fields. Plasma can be found in stars, lightning, and fluorescent lights.

What does cumilating mean?

CUMILATIVE: Its a engineering term ,for example cumilative frequency means by adding frequency of a given class to sum total of all the lower classes.for instance first class has a frequency of 2 and second class has frequency of 4 therefore the cumilative frequency becomes 6,the third has a frequency of 7,so the cumilative frequency is 13 it goes likes.....good luck for all hope u got the meaningfrom DASTAGIR.....PLASMA

Can you say that thermal plasma is hot plasma and non-thermal plasma is cold plasma?

A plasma consists of an gas in which some gas atoms/molecules are ionised. If it is is in thermal equilibrium then in order to maintain the needed level of ionisation will require that the gas is very hot. Of the order of 4-5,000 degrees Celsius. In a non-thermal plasma the electrons are hot enough to ionise the gas but the gas is at a different temperature. This can be achieved by heating the electrons by using a microwave or radio frequency field. As the electrons are light they do not exchange energy with the gas very efficiently. So in a non-thermal plasma the gas can be cold.

Why does the FM radio wave remain unaffected by such a plasma?

Just about all radio noise is amplitude modulated. FM radios use Frequency Modulation and is unaffected.

Will a 50cycle 110v damage a 60 cycle 110v plasma tv?

Using a 50-cycle power source with a device designed for 60 cycles can potentially lead to damage or performance issues over time. It is recommended to match the frequency of the power source with the device's specifications to avoid any potential problems. It is advisable to consult the manufacturer or a professional before connecting the plasma TV to a different frequency power source.