The GCF is 3.
GCF of 24 36 and 12 is 12.
GCF of 24 and 36 is 12.
Some people use the distributive property to add 24 and 36, but you wouldn't use it to find the GCF which, by the way, is 12.
72 and 12, respectively.
The GCF of 24, 36, and 72 is 12It is: 12
The GCF is 4.
Because 24 doesn't go into 36 evenly The "GCF" of two numbers is a factor of both numbers. 24 is not a factor of 36.
The GCF of 54, 36 and 24 is 6. The GCF of 5436 and 24 is 12.
24 = 23 × 3 36 = 22 × 32
The GCF is 6.
The GCF is 2.