5 and 60 have a gcf of 5 and a LCM of 60
The GCF/HCF of 36 and 63 is 9.The LCM of 36 and 63 is 252.
GCF(12, 28, 36) = 4, LCM(12, 28, 36) = 252.
The GCF refers to whole numbers, not decimals.
List the multiples.15, 30, 45, 60, 7520, 40, 60, 80The LCM is the first number that appears on both lists.
Gcf: 9 lcm: 252
12 and 252
The GCF is 20. The LCM is 420.
The GCF is 2, the LCM is 60.
If you have two numbers m and n and their gcd (or gcf), g then their LCM = m*n/g so LCM = 72*252/36 = 2*252 = 504.
The GCF is 15 - 3x5The LCM is 60 - 2x2x3x5
5 and 60 have a gcf of 5 and a LCM of 60
The GCF/HCF of 36 and 63 is 9.The LCM of 36 and 63 is 252.
The GCF is 6. The LCM is 60.
The GCF is 12. The LCM is 360.
GCF(12, 28, 36) = 4, LCM(12, 28, 36) = 252.
The GCF is 5. The LCM is 420.