In math, the LCD means the Lowest Common Denominator.
LCD means lowest common denominator which is needed when adding or subtracting fractions that have different denominators.
the lcd is the least common denominator but the LCM is the least common multiple.
It means Lowest Common Denominator.
When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators then their LCD must be found in order to carry out the calculations.
least (or lowest) common denominator
LCD(2, 24) = 24
LCD(2, 3) = 6.
the LCD of 2, 9 and 5 = 90
LCD stands for Lowest (or Least) Common Denominator. The LCD for a set of two or more numbers is the least number such that each member of the set is a factor of the LCD. So, for example, given the set {2, 4, 5}, LCD{2, 4, 5} = 60 since 2*30 = 60, 4*15=60 and 5*12 = 60. No non-zero number smaller than 60 is a multiple of all three members of the set.
multiples: Least Common Multiple
The least common denominator, or LCD, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of denominators will divide into evenly with no remainder.