13 is a Prime number so its only factors are 1 and 13. Therefore the lowest common denominator of 13 and 14 is 1.
The LCM is: 84
LCM(6, 12, 14) = 84
The least common multiple of the numbers 7, 18 and 21 is 126.
12 3x4=12 4x3=12 12x1=12
LCM = 84
The LCM is 168.
It is: 84
The LCM is: 84
The least common multiple of 4 , 14 , 12 = 84
LCM(6, 12, 14) = 84
LCM(12, 4) = 12
LCM of 12, 14, 16 = 336
The answer is 84.
If that's 14, 12 and 4, the LCM is 84. If that's 1412 and 4, the LCM is 1412.
The LCM is 196.
The LCM is 140.