You need space between the numbers, I am guessing you mean 12 and 14
In which case you might factor the numbers
12=22 x3
So the LCM is 22 x3 x7 which is 21x4 or 84
The LCM is 2430.
LCM of 1215 and24 is 9720.
It is: 4860
The LCM is: 26,730
The LCM of 8 and 24 is 24.The LCM is 24
The least common multiple of 1215 , 25 = 6,075
The LCM is 24.
The LCM is 24.
The LCM is 24.
The LCM is 24.
The LCM is 120.
The LCM is 24.