You can't do the LCM of 400 because you need two numbers to do the LCM of, for example, the LCM of 12 and 8 would be 24.
The LCM is: 800
The LCM is 800.
The LCM of 240 and 800 is 2400.
The LCM of 960, 1600 is 4800.
The LCM is: 800
The LCM is 800.
The LCM is 48800.
LCM of 25 and 32 is 800.
The LCM is: 800
The LCM is: 2,400
The LCM is: 800
The LCM is: 800
The LCM is 800.
The LCM is: 28,000
It is: 7200