The biggest habitat in the world is the Ocean. It covers most of the earth's surface.
what is the biggest province in the world
The biggest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Velenzuela.
the biggest dinosure in the world is a terex
The harpy eagle is the biggest species of eagles.
Blue whales bear the biggest babies.
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean habitat
The Mississippi River
The biggest threat we present to woodpeckers is loss of habitat, destruction of their habitat.
habitat destruction, or humans
Humans - we destroy their habitat and used to shoot them. If you mean predator as in wild animal, then it is probably a large cat depending on where they live.
The deep oceans are the largest single habitat of any eco-system.
the habitat that the western diamondback rattlesnake lives
loss of habitat
World Habitat Awards was created in 1985.
Man is the biggest threat to kookaburras, due to habitat clearing.
The jaguar is threatened, but not endangered. The biggest threat is loss of habitat.
what are the biggest butterflies in the world