The largest discovered moth in the world (there are still regions of our planet that haven't been explored) is called Attacus atlas. Also known as Atlas Moth.
They can grow a wingspan of up to 30cm. They are found in South-East Asia and the Malay areas.
Although sometimes during migration they can get lost and end up where they shouldn't be, especially if they get caught in a strong wind. The furthest an Atlas Moth has been found is in Manchester, England, probably after being "hijacked" by the wind because they shouldn't be that far out of Asia naturally (it was taken to a specialist zoo in England to be looked after).
Dustox. a moth
The duration of The Moth Diaries - film - is 1.42 hours.
October Moth - 1960 is rated/received certificates of: UK:A
the fastest is the sphinx moth.
Good-Bye Mr- Moth - 1942 was released on: USA: 11 May 1942
No, the largest is the Atlas moth
Emperors moth
The Atlas moth (Attacus atlas) holds the title for having the largest wingspan of any moth species, measuring up to around 12 inches (30 cm) across. This impressive moth is native to the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia.
From the lighter side... Currently, it's a toss-up between US President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner...But seriously, folks... The White Witch moth (Thysania agrippina), also known as: Birdwing Moth, Great Owlet Moth, Great Grey Witch, and Ghost Moth has a wingspan of up to 12 inches (31 cm), which makes it the Lepidopteran with the biggest wingspan. While it's southern limit is in Brazil, it is known to stray into Texas.
Moths are fairlly small. they are about the size of any average butterfly. they biggest i have seen would have about a 2 inch wing span
The moth you have found is a Luna moth.
If this is a joke the answer is if the moth fairy is a moth the moth would follow the light queen.
The moth being identified is the Luna moth.
The female Eurasian Eagle Owl, the average wingspan of male and female is around 5.2 ft. In birds of prey such as Owls, Falcons, Hawks, Kites, Harriers, Eagles, etc... the Female is about 1/3 larger than the male.
A 'moth' is a 'polilla'.
mother moth
The plural of moth is mothi.