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Horsepower is a measurement of the capacity to perform work. 1 horsepower is defined as a unit of work equal to 33,000 foot pounds per minute, 550 foot pounds per second, or 746 Watts. A cc is a cubic centimeter and is a measure of volume, one cubic centimeter. A box one centimeter long, one centimeter wide and one centimeter tall. In short, one is volume measurement and the other is power measurement and there is no conversion between the two. If you are referring to engines, usually both are advertised. Larger cc engines have more displacement and usually more power since they have are burning more fuel poer revolution compared to smaller engines, but this is just one charachteristic to be used for comparison.

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Q: What is the difference between 1 horsepower and one cc?
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How many cc in one horsepower?

There is no direct relationship between a cc and horsepower. 10

What is the difference between CC and liter in automobile engines?

One litre = 1000 cc

What is the difference be tween 1 horsepower and one cc?

Horsepower and cc are two completely different measures. Horsepowser is a measure of how strong an engine is. To the best of my knowledge (do NOT take this as completely accurate), an engine with one horsepower is as strong as one horse. Cc, on the other hand, is a measure of the size of an engine. Cc stands for cubic centimeters. In most engines (again, this is going off the top of my head), the size is now measured in liters now.

190 CC equals how many horsepower?

There is no direct conversion between CC (cubic centimeters) and horsepower as horsepower is a measure of power output, while CC is a measure of engine displacement. The horsepower a 190 CC engine can produce varies based on factors such as design, efficiency, and tuning, among others.

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How many cc in 250 horsepower?

There is absolutely no connection between cubic centimeters and horsepower

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What is 50 Hp to cc?

There is absolutely NO relationship between HP and cc. Cc is simply the 'swept volume' of the engine. Horsepower has NOTHING to do with cc.

What is the difference between horsepower and cc speed?

there isnt a direct measurment, i have a 2.5hp 23cc as well as a 60cc 2.75hp. its relevvent to rpm and other factors

How do you convert cc to horsepower?

There is no direct conversion between cc (cubic centimeters) and horsepower, as they measure different aspects of an engine. Horsepower is a measurement of power, while cc measures engine displacement. The relationship between cc and horsepower depends on various factors such as engine efficiency, design, and tuning.

How many horsepower is?

CC is NOT correlated to Horsepower. Cc is merely the capacity of that engine, NO relationship to horsepower.

What is the difference between 50 cc and 150 cc?

100 CC.