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Q: What is the fastest chicken breed?
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What is the fastest chicken in the world?

The fastest breed of chicken is the Leghorn, capable of running up to 9 mph.

What is the fastest a horse can go?

Well it just depends on what type of breed it is. Like the Thoroughbred, its the fastest breed, can run to 40miles and hour.

What breed is a all gold chicken?

gold chicken

How does the chicken begin in the egg?

Depends on the breed of the chicken

What is the difference between a purebred chicken and a mixed breed chicken?

A purebred chicken contains a lineage of the same breed, say all Barred Rocks, with no other chicken breed in their parentage. A mixed breed chicken is like a mutt- it has at least 2 different breeds in its lineage and shows qualities of both breeds.

What breeds are chickens?

A pure breed chicken is a chicken that has been made by the same kind of chicken, so if 2 different kinds of chicken's mate, then they wont make a pure breed chicken, but if 2 of the same kind of chicken mate then they make a pure breed chicken Sorry if it doesnt make sense

What type or horse is the fastest?

Thoroughbreds are generally considered to be the fastest breed of horse.

Does jumbo chicken eggs originate from a particular breed of chicken or can any chicken lay jumbos?

Each chicken breed lays different sized eggs and with different intervals

Can a duck be breed by a chicken?


What is the worlds fastest breed of dogs?


What is the fastest animal on two leggs?

a chicken