According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the 2011 World's Biggest Dog is George, a purebred Great Dane. He weighs nearly 18 stone and stretches 7 foot long from nose to tail. He is nearly 4 foot high at the shoulder.
The fastest greyhound time recorded over a race distance of 515 metres or 563 yards is 28.88 secs by the Australian "wonder dog" Brett Lee trained by Darren Mcdonald from Peacedale (Victoria) in the final of the Adelaide Cup, a Group 1 race held at Angle Park (January 25, 2001), South Australia, (track circumference 457 metres) this represents an average racing speed around the track of 39.87 miles per hour!
No dog has ever set foot (paw) on the moon.
I used to have one that was 27" at the withers and he weighed 104 pounds. I used to have one that was 27" at the withers and he weighed 104 pounds. I own one named Thor and he stands 29" and weighs in at 110. he is a beast.
45-50mph and can maintain this speed for a long distance.
Yes, when she was younger.
An American singer has recorded song for Akshay Kumar. Snoop Dogg was the singer. He sang it for Singh is King movie.
The fastest recorded speed for a dog is around 45 mph, achieved by the Greyhound breed. However, individual speeds may vary depending on factors such as breed, age, and fitness level.
A Greyhound is the fastest dog ever. It is also the 4th fastest land creature.
Well actually the greyhound is the fastest dog going at 45mph while the fastest horse only goes at the speed of 40mph.
The Greyhound is considered the fastest dog breed, capable of reaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour. They are known for their exceptional speed and agility, making them popular for racing and lure coursing competitions.
The smallest dog ever recorded was a Chihuahua named Miracle Milly, who measured just 3.8 inches tall at the shoulder. Miracle Milly held the Guinness World Record for the smallest living dog in terms of height in 2013.
Probably Bloodhound?No. The bloodhound, a scent hound, is bred and geared towards recovering and analyzing scent. Speed is not their forte'.The flat out fastest dog in the world, is the greyhound, which has been clocked at 45 mph, with the fastest ever recorded speed being 49.9 mph in Manchester England some 30 years ago. Second would be a tie, depending on who you talk to, between the Afghan and the Saluki, around 41 - 43 mph. Third, and at half the size of the others, is the whippet, with speeds clocked at 35, and a Whippet clocked at 43.1 mph in Spokane Washington is reported, but unconfirmed. The answer is a little complicated. All dog breeds? The Greyhound. Size class, a more fair test? The whippet would be the fastest land animal on earth in it's size class, by a pretty large margin. Hope this helps.
Old English Mastiff.
Old English Mastiff
The top speed recorded of a greyhound dog was taken in Australia March 3rd 2004. "Cheetah" , the amazing greyhound was clocked at a top speed of 84 MPH (wind assisted).
of course it would be the cheetah. they can reach staggering speeds of up to 70mph and with whippets they can run up to 40mph. hope i helped :)
the fastest mixed dog is named sayde
probably the dog.