

Best Answer

If you have a scheduled test,,,,,DON'T SMOKE at least a MONTH before the test. NONE!!! IF you didn't do drugs , you would not have to worry about such things. Just like if you don't drink before you drive, you can't be arrested for DUI or DWI. Think smart,,,THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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drink two shots of vinegar and 2 gallons of water a day for a week

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Q: What is the fastest way to flush weed out of your system?
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you have to be stupet

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Go to school

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The fastest way to get flowers delivered is to comparison-shop different florists and make your purchase with the florist that has the fastest guaranteed delivery time. Be sure to check when the order has to be placed in order for it to be processed and delivered by the desired time.

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I smoked weed over the weekend an I have a job interview Wednesday what's the fastest way to get thc out of my system?

If you smoked weed there is not a fast way to get it out of your system. If you have a job interview on Wednesday and you had weed on Wednesday, there is a small chance that it will be out of your system already.

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drink water

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their is no way.. but they should be gone soon like 1-3 days depending on how much you did.

What is the fastest way to flush marijuana out of your system?

Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet can help flush out marijuana from your system more quickly. It's also recommended to avoid using marijuana in the future to prevent it from accumulating in your system.

The best free way to pass a job drug screen for weed?

There is only one way to get weed out of a persons system. The fastest and only way to be weed free is time.

What can you use besides water to flush weed out of your system?

Some people use cranberry juice, herbal teas, or detox drinks in an attempt to flush weed out of their system. However, the effectiveness of these methods is not scientifically proven, and the best way to pass a drug test is to allow your body enough time to naturally eliminate the marijuana metabolites.

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What is the fastest way to get weed out of your system?

the very best way to remove any counts of weed in your body is lots of antioxidants. the main fruit with antioxidants are blueberries and pomegranate's green tea also has antioxidants. time vary because weed is stored in your body fat so sweating alot also helps make sure you urine is clear before taking a drugs test but make sure u drink dark drinks to get it yellow again, because antioxidants cleans and deludes your urine making it obvious you are compromising your urine test leading to a probation violation or not getting hired for a job

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You smoked 2 hits of weed out of a pipe yesterday and have to take a UA tomorrow what is the best way to flush your system?

Drink tons of green tea, pee lots, exercise like you have never before, and do this over and over

Is it Possible to detox from weed in 5 days?

For a regular, average user, the answer is no. THC is fat soluble, and there is no physical way to cleanse all the fat cells in your body, and flush the extraneous chemicals out of your system in just 5 days.